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Enjoying Summertime

Popsicles. Air conditioning. Sunglasses. Shorts and flip-flops. Beach balls. Iced tea. Snow cones. Ice cream! These are just a few of the amazing things in life that clearly signal the arrival of summer. You may have already enjoyed one or more of these things....

The Effect of Improperly Installed Appliances

Appliances are a huge part of our everyday life. Refrigerators keep our food cold, stovetops, ovens, and microwaves cook our meals, dishwashers clean up our mess, water heaters keep us warm and clean. When they're working properly and were well-installed, we don't...

Is Bigger Always Better?

When it comes to the real estate market, bigger is not always better. A smaller home with more property has distinct advantages over a large home filling the same amount of land. It can mean more backyard space for your kids to play in. It can mean more privacy. It...

Pros And Cons of Solar Energy

You may be surprised to learn that solar energy is no longer only an option for super-wealthy homeowners or giant commercial properties. In fact, solar energy is more accessible than ever. As a clean energy source, federal and local governments are very interested in...

How’s The Air?

Take just a second, and stop to take a deep breath. Do you notice anything about the air you're breathing? How is the movement of the air? Is it stuffy? Is the air stale? Is there any strange odor? If so, you may be dealing with poor air quality. This can be a...

DIY Painting Project Tips

There's a really great project that you can do around your house during the colder months that not only refreshes your view of your home but can potentially add value to it. That project is painting a room or two. Like most things, it's of course better to hire a...

Things to Keep in Mind When Working From Home

Are you currently working from home? Are you considering whether or not to do so? Do you have employees that would like to work from home? If so, there are plenty of things to keep in mind on the topic. While one argument in favor of working at home could be saving...

The Importance of a Thermostat

As we make our way toward winter, we can't help but put some thought toward our heating system. There is a specific part of nearly every type of heating system that is critical to the efficient functioning of the entire system - your thermostat. Older thermostats can...

Easier Leaf Care

As seasons change, we're all faced with new routines in caring for our homes. This time of year, raking leaves becomes a necessity. This is because extensive leaf cover can be deadly for the grass, blocking necessary airflow and sunlight, which are important well into...

Practical Ways to Prevent Burglary

No matter where you live, there is a potential for someone to break into your house, looking to steal your valuable possessions. What are some practical ways to prevent that from happening? Install solid doors. Doors that are entirely glass or have windows that are...

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